What Good Is Fruit That Is Not Sweet? — Young Kim


"What Good is Fruit that is not Sweet? is a photography project documenting the life of my mother as she ages and confronts changes in her health and mobility. It explores our relationship as parent and child and how roles shift as time persists.

These circumstances also pose the questions of whether we can quantify or qualify how good a person is at fulfilling a societal role and whether the romanticization of the “American Dream” can influence those parameters.

These images aim to celebrate daily life with an emphasis on my interpretation of events and with less rigidity around how the events unfolded. This body of work utilizes the indexical nature of photographs to world-build, create and preserve a past that is nostalgic and reminiscent, regardless of whether it is factual." — Young Kim

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"What Good is Fruit that is not Sweet? is a photography project documenting the life of my mother as she ages and confronts changes in her health and mobility. It explores our relationship as parent and child and how roles shift as time persists.

These circumstances also pose the questions of whether we can quantify or qualify how good a person is at fulfilling a societal role and whether the romanticization of the “American Dream” can influence those parameters.

These images aim to celebrate daily life with an emphasis on my interpretation of events and with less rigidity around how the events unfolded. This body of work utilizes the indexical nature of photographs to world-build, create and preserve a past that is nostalgic and reminiscent, regardless of whether it is factual." — Young Kim

"What Good is Fruit that is not Sweet? is a photography project documenting the life of my mother as she ages and confronts changes in her health and mobility. It explores our relationship as parent and child and how roles shift as time persists.

These circumstances also pose the questions of whether we can quantify or qualify how good a person is at fulfilling a societal role and whether the romanticization of the “American Dream” can influence those parameters.

These images aim to celebrate daily life with an emphasis on my interpretation of events and with less rigidity around how the events unfolded. This body of work utilizes the indexical nature of photographs to world-build, create and preserve a past that is nostalgic and reminiscent, regardless of whether it is factual." — Young Kim

Photographs: Young Kim

First Edition: Numbered and signed
Format: Softcover, perfect binding
Pages: 100 pages, 4/C printing
Size: W18.2 x H25.7cm (B5)

Publisher: Anne Murayama, ephemere.
Printing: Tokyo, Japan
Year Published: 2024

「What Good is Fruit that is not Sweet?」は、私の母が年齢を重ね、健康や身体の変化に直面する姿を記録した写真プロジェクトです。親子としての関係性を探りながら、時間が経つにつれて役割がどう変わっていくのかを描いています。


この作品群は、日常生活を祝うものであり、出来事の解釈に焦点を当て、出来事そのものの厳密さには囚われません。写真が持つ指標的な性質を用いて、事実かどうかに関わらず、懐かしさを感じさせる過去を構築し、記憶し、保存することを目指しています。」— Young Kim

Young Kim was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska where he currently resides. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Public Communications from the University of Alaska Anchorage and has recently earned a Master of Fine Arts in Photography from the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford. He is also currently co-owner and operator of the community gallery and photography studio, Akela Space.

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