ephemere. collaborates with Angkor Photo Workshops Alumni
Step II
Hello everyone,
Thank you very much for your kind responses and beautiful submissions. Below is our list of participants: 7 of you are interested in the exhibition only, and 18 of you are interested in both the exhibition and the publication. 🖤
Aizzat Nordin — E & P
Aji Susanto Anom — E & P
Carmen Lopez — E only
Elisa Tan — E & P
Farhana Satu — E & P
Gab Mejia — E & P
Hui Hsien Ng — E & P
James Lontoc — E only
Jes Aznar — E & P
JL Javier — E & P
Joyce Cesario — E only
Kirthana Devdas — E & P
Mei-Wen Chen — E only
Millo Ankha — E & P
Mithila Jariwala — E & P
Natthaya Thaidecha — E only
Pau Villanueva — E & P
Rajat Dey — E & P
Rita Khin — E & P
Sereyrath Mech — E & P
Shyue Jiun Woon — E & P
Uma Bista — E only
Vidushi Gupta — E & P
Yoppy Pieter — E & P
Yufan Lu — E & P
Additionally, we have 2 wonderful volunteers for the following dates:
October 26th - 31st (This is the exhibition period. Edited on 8/31.)
November 16th - 21st
I will communicate with them and come up with a fixed date as soon as possible.
Moving forward with our collaboration, I prepared another form for all of you. Your answers (images and texts) will be used in our publicity materials, both online and print. While I understand that working with deadlines can be stressful, I hope everyone will be able to submit their answers by August 31st, 2023. This will give us ample time to work on both the exhibition materials and the publication as well.
Thank you again for your cooperation. We are so excited to showcase your talent and stories!
Until the next step! 🙂
PS: This page is only for you, participants. Please do not share this page publicly.
Anne 🐈⬛
Step I
Hello everyone,
My name is Anne, I participated in the 2015 Angkor Photo Workshops. How are you?
We are opening a new (small) space for photography in Tokyo in the last quarter of the year. I have contacted Miss Jessica about my intention to give back to the community by presenting my fellow alumni’s talent and work through a week-long exhibition and a printed publication.
For the exhibition, my idea is to showcase your slideshows during the Workshops. For the publication, my idea is to feature your photographs after the Workshops. You can participate in both, though the publication may have limited pages = only a limited number of photographers may be included.
Please read more details in the form below and fill it out when you can. Afterward, we will communicate with you through email.
I know you’re all busy, so thank you very much for taking a look at ephemere. We’re looking forward to working with you.
Anne Murayama